Dream Homes Construction & Design Blog

Things to Consider Before You Invest in a Trendy Design

2020 is off to a start and with the new year come new interior design trends. If you are thinking about renovating due to a trend, consider a couple things:

  1. How long you plan on staying in your home
  2. The sum of the investment.

Look, our homes are our sanctuaries. We want them to be comfortable space that reflect our personalities. We also want them to be trendy spaces we can be proud of. However, a trend is just that; a trend. If you are not careful, making your home super trendy this year can make it dated in 3-5 years.

If you are considering selling your home in the next couple years, it’s probably a good idea to avoid spending a lot of money on expensive, bold trends. It won’t appeal to most buyers and it will hurt you when you decide you want to sell your house. 

Generally, if you are investing a large sum of money, think twice before you do it. Installing pistachio or olive green cabinets with blush backsplash, might be super edgy and trendy this year, but it probably won’t be for many years to come. You want to avoid putting yourself into a situation, where you will want to spend thousands more in a few years to update the same space again. 

Bottom line, when you are considering updating or building on trend, consider cost. If it is a costly investment, it’s best to opt for a more classic design. If the cost is low, then have fun and invest in the trendy design.

When we design a space we always consider trend, cost, and practicality. You can still have a trendy home with that olive green color, but rather than it being on your kitchen cabinets, it can be in form of painted walls, pillows, blankets or even plants.

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